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Violetta Wiki
“A Disappointment, a Song (4)”
Season 1, Episode 17
Violetta y Ludmi
Air Date

June 5, 2012 (Latin America)
August 13, 2013 (UK and Ireland)

Prod. Code



Solange Keoleyan and Sebastián Parrotta


Jorge Nisco and Martín Saban

Episode Guide

Falling in Love, a Song (4)


Falling in Love, a Song (5)

Episode 017, also known as A Disappointment, a Song is the seventeenth episode in the first season of the television series Violetta. It first aired on June 5, 2012, in Latin America, and it was directed by Jorge Nisco and Martín Saban and written by Solange Keoleyan and Sebastián Parrotta.


Violetta and Tomas made it to the Studio. On the first day, a misunderstanding begins when Francesca thinks that Tomas wrote a song for her, but it was actually written for Violetta.

Episode Summary[]

Tomas is upset that he didn't make it to the Studio. There are suspicions that Gregorio had failed Tomas at the dancing test. Pablo informs Tomas that there was a mistake on the list and that he got in. Violetta gets upset because now that she made it to the Studio, she has to lie to her father. Angie tells Violetta that she has to lie to her father till he's ready to know the truth. Violetta and Tomas' first day at the Studio begins with an altercation between Violetta and Ludmila. Later, Angie gives the students an assignment that they have to sing a song as a duet and the partner will be chosen by a draw. Ludmila and Naty cheat to make sure that the former gets to sing with Tomas and it works. In addition, Francesca has to sing with Maxi, Camila with Andres and Violetta with Leon. Tomas writes a song for Violetta. When the song accidentally gets into Francesca's hands, she thinks that Tomas wrote the song for her.


Main Cast[]

Note: In this episode, Samuel Nascimento wasn't part of the main cast.

Recurring Cast[]

Songs Featured[]


  • Gregorio had failed Tomas at the dancing test so he wouldn't make it to the Studio.
  • Tomas writes a song for Violetta for the first time. 


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To view the Season 1/Episode 017 gallery, click here.

Season 1

A Dream, A SongA Secret, A Song (1)Falling In Love, A Song (1)A Disappointment, A Song (1)A Suspicion, A Song (1)A Deception, A Song (1)A Threat, A Song (1)A Trap, A Song (1)A Rivalry, A Song (1)An Opportunity, A Song (1)Falling In Love, A Song (2)An Opportunity, A Song (2)A Suspicion, A Song (2)A Secret, A Song (2)A Secret, A Song (3)Falling In Love, A Song (3)A Disappointment, A Song (2)Falling In Love, A Song (4)A Trap, A Song (2)A Disappointment, A Song (3)A Friend, A Song (1)Falling In Love, A Song (5)Falling In Love, A Song (6)An Opportunity, A Song (3)Falling In Love, A Song (7)A Trap, A Song (3)A Disappointment, A Song (4)A Rivalry, A Song (2)A Disappointment, A Song (5)A Threat, A Song (2)A Rivalry, A Song (3)A Disappointment, A Song (6)Falling In Love , A Song (8)A Kiss, A SongA Rivalry, A Song (4)A Deception, A Song (2)A Disappointment, A Song (7)A Disappointment, A Song (8)A Threat, A Song (3)An Opportunity, A Song (4)
